Wednesday, September 1, 2010

And so it begins...

Bella from A Girl Reads A Book started a Book Buying Ban in the month of September. I decided to join, because I was seeing my bookshelf slowly quickly begin to fill to its capacity. I love books, and it makes me sad that I have so many on my shelf that I haven't read yet.  The titles mostly stay in the Chick Lit and Young Adult fiction genres, but there are a few Sci-Fi and Literary Classics mixed in.  I am excited for what this month will bring and I am excited to give some attention to books that I picked up quite some time ago and haven't had the chance to read.

While I am excited, part of me is actually a little sad I won't be able to go to the bookstore.  I have chosen to do my best to avoid book stores entirely because I would be too easily tempted. Bookstores are my favorite place... I have often dreamed of owning my own bookstore someday... I would be in heaven. I figured, for the book buying ban, cutting myself off completely would be the only option.

You'll never guess what happened last night though.... I got an e-mail from Borders (AUGUST 31, 11:30pm) offering me a free personal shopping day that must be taken by the 12th of September **insert dagger to heart** and it also told me that I have rewards that I can cash in, but they must be used by September 30 **twist the knife around a little** Are you kidding me?! The night before I start a month long book buying ban, and you go ahead and tell me I have deals waiting for me within the walls of one of my favorite bookstores.  They didn't even send the email early enough that I could have used it that day. That stings. That really stings. I will do my best to be strong. I am gonna do my best to resist, but being tempted in the final hour certainly didn't help.  I will keep you all posted on how well I do.  If you want to keep track of any of the other people participating, our hashtag on Twitter is #TBRmonth.

Happy reading!

Final Count of Books: TBR 92

Currently Reading:
Necessary Arrangements by Tanya Michna

1 comment:

  1. the unofficial-official book police, I have to say that Rewards are free and I'd use them by the end of the month. It is make your own rules and the rewards are better than a coupon--I mean, it's free money. You can't throw those away! However, having said that, I wouldn't go spendthrifty and buy the bookstore, just enough to use your rewards. If you have $5.00 of rewards, then just buy one book. That's doable and just! :)

    Here is my Day 1 Post.

    So glad you joined! I love finding new book bloggers. Oh, and Oregon...*sigh*....paradise. So jealous!
