Monday, November 1, 2010

Book Review: New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

Title: New Moon
Author: Stephanie Meyer
Publication Date: May 2008
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Page Count: 563
Genre: Romance/Young Adult/Sci-Fi (?)

Legions of readers entranced by Twilight are hungry for more and they won't be disappointed. In New Moon, Stephenie Meyer delivers another irresistible combination of romance and suspense with a supernatural twist. The "star-crossed" lovers theme continues as Bella and Edward find themselves facing new obstacles, including a devastating separation, the mysterious appearance of dangerous wolves roaming the forest in Forks, a terrifying threat of revenge from a female vampire and a deliciously sinister encounter with Italy's reigning royal family of vampires, the Volturi. Passionate, riveting, and full of surprising twists and turns, this vampire love saga is well on its way to literary immortality.

What an unfortunate book.  I read this with a pretty open mind... (it wasn't completely open, because I had seen the movie and didn't care too much for it, but I thought I would give the book a try because books are almost always better than the movies). I wanted to know what the hype was about, I wanted to see if I was going to buy into it. To make a long story short, I didn't.
All I can say is why?  Why are these books so popular? This book is poorly written, clunky and the plot and the characters aren't well developed.  I can get behind stories written in first person, in fact some of my favorite books are written that way, however, when you are writing from the viewpoint of a 17-18 year old girl, you shouldn't write as if you are 40.  It is not believable.  I think Meyers over-used her thesaurus in most cases.

New Moon is the second in the series of 4 (why, God, Why?!) I have mentioned in another review that I felt silly talking about parts of books to people who aren't currently reading it... what makes me sad is that enough people have read these books that they know what I was talking about when I talked to them.  Really.... there are a million books that are better than this.... I also don't really understand why other authors are trying to be like Meyers.  If you go into a book store and happen into the young adult section (one of my favorites) you will find books and books that are about vampires.... SERIOUSLY! Why would anyone want to be associated with these books? The only thing redeeming is that it is getting people to read, which I am all for... I just want to set up camp at the bookstore and tell people of the better books they could read.... this isn't one of them.

Anyway... I could go on, but I wasted enough time reading the novel.  It is probably obvious, but I won't be reading the second two in the series unless suddenly they are the last books on the face of the earth, and even then, I might say no. I would be curious to hear your take on them? If you like them, why? If not, why? I am so perplexed.

Overall Rating: 2/10

Read this if you want, its good food for thought... 100 Reasons Why Twilight Sucks
  (my favorite reason #81- Threatening/attempting suicide does not true love make.)

Happy reading everyone!

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